Guy Gardner Green Lantern
(Image Source: DC Comics)

Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum #1 Reveals Guy Gardner’s Surprising Hobby

By most appearances, Guy Gardner is a man’s man. He is stubborn and prone to charging into battle, even by the standards of the Green Lantern Corps, yet there are hidden depths to Guy’s character. Depths that are confirmed when his surprising hobby is revealed in Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum #1.

Written by Jeremy Adams with art by V. Ken Marion, Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum #1 centers around the Book of Oa. A legendary codex, the Book is said to contain the assembled wisdom of the Guardians of the Universe and their history. The book was presumed lost but turned out to be hidden in the private quarters of Guy Gardner, where it was stolen by the villain Sorrow.

Guy Gardner explains his studies of the Book of Oa
(Image Source: DC / V. Ken Marion)

This revelation led Guy Gardner to reveal that he had been studying the Book of Oa in his spare time. Not just the artifact, but the history of the Book and how it was edited over time. He did this in order to chart the different editions and rewrites the Guardians ordered and why they did so. This study also enabled him to deduce why Sorrow wanted the Book and what else the villain needed to translate it.

Why Guy Gardner being a Book of Oa expert makes sense

Few would credit Guy Gardner with much intellect given his reputation as a hot-head. However, he is far smarter than he is given credit for. Indeed, he has perhaps the most extensive classical education of any Green Lantern from Earth.

Guy Gardner college and career described
(Image Source: DC)

In his youth, Guy Gardner was a promising scholar-athlete who won a full football scholarship to the University of Michigan. He took his studies seriously, earning twin bachelor’s degrees. This was before a career-ending injury ruined any chance he had of playing football professionally. He briefly worked as a social worker, specializing in prisoner rehabilitation. However, he gave it up in favor of working as a teacher, which he found more rewarding.

Beyond having more empathy than he’s likely to show in battle, Guy Gardner has extensive academic experience. This explains his ability to research the Book of Oa, even if the inclination is somewhat surprising. In times past, one Green Lantern would be given the honor of acting as the Book of Oa’s caretaker. It would seem that this role has been set up for Guy Gardner in the new Green Lantern Corps.

Green Lantern: Fractured Spectrum #1 is now available at comic shops everywhere.
