Ultimate Spider-Man 5 cover by Leonardo Romero
(Image Source: Marvel / Leonardo Romero)

Ultimate Spider-Man #5 Preview Confirms Norman Osborn’s Fate in New Ultimate Universe

The new Ultimate Universe is notably different in many respects. The Ultimate Spider-Man series has highlighted many of these changes from Earth-616 and the original Ultimate Universe. A preview of the latest issue reveals another major change, regarding Spider-Man’s greatest enemy, Norman Osborn, aka the original Green Goblin.

Written by Jonathan Hickman, with art by David Messina, Ultimate Spider-Man #5 opens with a flashback. The brief scene reveals that the Norman Osborn of this reality is every bit the abusive father he is in most incarnations. However, it also reveals just how Harry Osborn came to take control of the family firm at such a young age.

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(Image Source: Marvel / David Messina)

Ultimate Spider-Man’s Green Goblin Explained

The new Green Goblin was introduced in Ultimate Spider-Man #3. He was a figure of mystery from the beginning, being a hero rather than a villain. He and Peter Parker joined forces to fight the assassin Bullseye and investigate the Kingpin Wilson Fisk. By the issue’s end, the Green Goblin revealed himself as Harry Osborn, after using his tech to unmask Peter.

The two heroes met socially in Ultimate Spider-Man #4. This issue established Harry as a business magnate, who was married to CEO Gwen Stacy. However, nothing was said directly about Norman Osborn or whether Harry worked for his father.

The preview pages imply that Harry took over Oscorp after the death of his parents. However, there is much about Harry and the Green Goblin that is still unknown. The biggest question is if Norman had developed the Green Goblin armor and glider and if Harry discovered it after his death. This is how events played out on Earth-616, where Harry followed in his father’s footsteps as the Green Goblin. Harry may also cross a line in his dealings with the Kingpin and become a villain in earnest.

Ultimate Spider-Man #5 arrives in comic shops everywhere on May 29, 2024.
