The popularity of Superman is near universal. He is an icon recognized on a global level. The same is true in the DC Universe, where, according to Green Lantern #11, the Man of Steel has joined Elvis in inspiring a theme wedding chapel in Las Vegas.

Written by Jeremy Adams, with art by Xermanico and Amancay Nahuelpan, Green Lantern #11 has a subplot centered around Carol Ferris. A longtime love-interest of Hal Jordan and former Star Sapphire, Carol recently became engaged to another man. This culminated in her pushing her fiancé for a quick wedding after Ferris Air’s latest venture into military drones was ruined by Sinestro. It was clear, however, that Carol was still hung-up on Hal, and hoping the wedding might get her mind off of him.

The two wind up at the Chapel of Solitude, a tacky Las Vegas tourist trap with a Superman theme. Beyond offering an assortment of rings with gems made of faux-Kryptonite, it was also possible to rent Kryptonian costumes for the ceremony. Naturally, a pastor dressed as the Man of Steel officiated all the chapel’s weddings.
Is Superman a Religious Icon in the DC Universe?
While played for laughs, this scene does raise questions regarding the Church of Krypton that runs the Chapel of Solitude. It is almost certainly operating without the approval or endorsement of Superman. Multiple stories have shown him being uncomfortable with people viewing him as a messianic figure.
Given that, it seems unlikely that the Church of Krypton is a legitimate religious organization. It seems far more likely they are a for-profit group. Legally, there is nothing to stop someone from claiming to worship Superman, Elvis Presley, or any icon as part of their religion. This would presumably allow them to keep holding their theme weddings and selling merchandise without any legal issues regarding likeness rights or trademark violations.
Green Lantern #11 is now available at comic shops everywhere.