In recent years, Marvel Comics has taken care to highlight its LGBTQIA+ characters and creators. One way the publisher did this is through the creation of the Marvel Voices imprint, which highlights diverse characters. This June, the publisher will celebrate Pride Month with a series of variant covers featuring some of the company’s most prominent LGBTQIA+ characters.
The 2024 Pride Month variants were drawn by two artists, Betsy Cola and Davi Go. The eight variant covers feature one LGBTQIA+ character, standing alongside other Marvel icons. This is meant to showcase the spirit of Pride Month and the importance of allyship.
The eight Marvel Comics Pride Month variant covers can be viewed below.

Marvel Comics’ Pride Month Event
Beyond the variant covers, Marvel Comics is acknowledging Pride Month with a special Marvel Voices anthology. This year’s book is titled X-Men: The Wedding Special #1, and centers around the wedding of Destiny and Mystique. This is doubly fitting as June is also the most frequent month for weddings, as well as Pride Month.
When Mystique and Destiny were created by Chris Claremont, he intended for the two to be a lesbian couple. He also intended for Nightcrawler to be the child of both women, with Mystique using her shapeshifting powers to impregnate Destiny. However, the Comics Code Authority rules of the time and Marvel Comics’ editors would not allow that to happen.

The two Mutants were queer coded for several years, until their romance could be established. More recently, Claremont’s original plans for Nightcrawler’s parentage were also confirmed. Now, after having spent many years living in a relationship, Destiny and Mystique stand ready to make their commitment official to the world.
The Pride Month variant covers will be available at comic shops everywhere in June 2024.