In traveling the world training to become Batman, Bruce Wayne mastered many disciplines. However, while he is known as one of the World’s Finest, Batman will proudly admit that he considers Nightwing to be the better hero. Indeed, there is one area above others in which the Dark Knight bows to his protege’s expertise.

Nightwing #111 by Tom Taylor and Sami Basri brought the two heroes together in a unified effort. Batman arrived at the scene of a murder to discover that the victim’s son had witnessed the crime. He contacted Dick Grayson and asked him to consult on the case since the murder looked like the work of his enemy, Heartless. However, Batman had another reason for calling in Nightwing.
Nightwing Has a Gift With Traumatized Children

The pain of a child who watched their parents die is a unique type of trauma. While it is a pain Batman knows all too well, he also knows that he is ill-suited for the task of comforting a child. This is particularly true in the current circumstance, where the child saw Batman while still in a state of shock. Nightwing, by contrast, is less initially intimidating than his mentor. He also has an innate charisma, which makes it easier for strangers to open up to him.

Nightwing proved the perfect person to talk to the stunned youth. Dick Grayson comforted him, telling him of his own loss, and assuring him it would be fine. He also talked with the boy’s uncle, offering him advice on how to help ease his nephew’s pain in the days to come. While Batman may be the World’s Greatest Detective, Nightwing may be the World’s Finest Trauma Therapist.
Nightwing #111 is now available at comic shops everywhere.