Batman and Superman fight Godzilla
(Image Source: DC / Whilce Portacio)

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #4 Preview Shows Depth of Superman/Batman Bromance

Superman and Batman are more than the World’s Finest heroes and allies in the fight for truth and justice. They are also best friends. This comes up fairly often in the comics. However, the preview for Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #4 shows just how strongly the Dark Knight cares for the Man of Steel. Even if he has difficulty in expressing those feelings.

Written by Brian Buccellato with art by Christian Duce, the comic picks up where the previous issue left off. It was here that Superman sacrificed himself to save Shazam from the radioactive breath of Godzilla. This proved to be too much even for Superman’s healing factor to cope with. As Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #4 opens, Superman is on life support and Batman is in denial as to how bad things are.

Check out the first-look preview of Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Long #4 below:

(Image Source: DC / Christian Duce)

Batman’s Actions Speak to His Bromance

While Batman may have trouble expressing emotions, his actions in the preview show that he is still Batman. Unable to help Superman, he focuses upon a problem he can deal with; solving the mystery of where Godzilla and King Kong came from. It takes less than a minute of analyzing the Fortress of Solitude to determine what was stolen and the most likely suspect.

The scene is reminiscent of a similar moment from the Justice League animated series episode Hereafter. Loosely based on the Funeral For a Friend story that followed the Death of Superman, the episode dealt with the Justice League moving on after Superman’s death. The twist was that Superman was not dead, but sent to the future. The one member of the team who never doubted he was okay was Batman, who spent the time desperately trying to prove Superman was alive.

Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong #4 arrives in comic book stores everywhere on January 16, 2024.
