Sue Storm/Invisible Woman of the Fantastic Four, has been addressed as Doctor for several years now. Yet no story has revealed in what discipline she earned her doctorate — until now.

Fantastic Four #12 by Ryan North, Iban Coello, and Jesus Aburtov has finally offered the answer. The opening scene finds the Fantastic Four being called upon by one of Ben Grimm’s childhood friends, Nick. A conversation with Nick and his husband, Stuart, leads to Sue confirming her doctorate is in archeology. It also leads to a joke regarding Sue’s flirtation with Namor.

When did Sue Storm become a doctor?
The first reference to Sue Storm having a doctorate came in 2013’s Fantastic Four #4 by Matt Fraction and Mark Bagley. It was in that issue that Reed Richards introduced his wife as Dr. Susan Storm while exploring the planet Ayleth. It was also the issue that retconned how Reed and Sue first met and fell in love.
In the original Stan Lee and Jack Kirby run of Fantastic Four, Sue Storm was said to be 12 years old when she first met Reed. The flashbacks in the new origin depict Sue Storm as an undergraduate and Reed as a doctoral candidate. These changes helped to rework their relationship into one of equals.

The revelation that Sue is an archeologist seems to tie back in to 2013’s Fantastic Four #4. That comic showed Sue speaking with the people of Ayleth about their history and language. It also fits Sue’s portrayal in the alternate future storyline Fantastic Four: The End. In that comic, a future Sue was shown independently exploring the ruins of Atlantis.
Continuity aside, the idea of Sue being an archeologist fits her character. While sharing her husband’s desire to explore the unknown, Sue has always focused on people and cultures over science and technology. It is that engagement that makes Sue the heart of the Fantastic Four.
Fantastic Four #12 is now available at comic shops everywhere.