Marvel’s Savage Spider-Man Miniseries Launches in February

Last month, Marvel stunned readers when it abruptly canceled its Non-Stop Spider-Man series on the same day that its fifth issue hit stores. The move was made all the more surprising by the issue’s cliffhanger ending, which showed Peter Parker transforming into a human-spider hybrid after being injected with the mysterious drug known as A-plus. But it turns out Marvel had no intention of leaving fans hanging without any resolution. Starting next year, Peter’s harrowing journey will continue in a new limited series dubbed Savage Spider-Man.

The miniseries comes from Non-Stop Spider-Man writer Joe Kelly and artist Gerardo Sandoval. Details are slim, but Marvel is promising to deliver “the biggest, most wide-ranging adventure” that Peter has ever had. You can check out Nick Bradshaw’s cover for the first issue below.

This isn’t the first time that Peter’s “Man-Spider” persona has reared its ugly, eight-eyed head. But it sounds like the creators are really upping the ante this time, with editor Nick Lowe hinting that the series will earn its horror bona fides over the course of its five issues.

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“You may think you’ve seen a monstrous or vicious Spider-Man before, but never like this,” said Lowe. “This book is so intense that you’re going to need to put it down between pages to get your breath back.”

“Spider-Man is always a huge challenge to draw, he’s not an easy character for an artist,” added Sandoval. “But at the same time Spider-Man is a huge joy to draw and now we have a Savage Spider-Man who provides an even bigger challenge for an artist. I have the pages that I am working on and I can say that I am doing my best work here for sure. Joe Kelly is the kind of writer that understands an artist needs enough room to create great illustrations and it makes my work easier and more fun. I really hope you enjoy this new book as much as I do!”

Savage Spider-Man #1 will hit comic shops in February 2022.

Are you excited to read the series in just a few months? Let us know in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Amazing Spider-Man by J. Michael Straczynski Omnibus Vol. 1

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