The true Darkhold has been found! Within the pages of Darkhold Alpha #1, Doctor Doom arrogantly tried to use the Darkhold’s power by himself. However, even the magical skills of Doom pale in comparison to the might of the elder god Chthon. Thanks to Doom, the Scarlet Witch can’t prevent Chthon’s return to Earth. Regardless, that doesn’t mean that she isn’t going to try.
To save humanity, Scarlet Witch gathered Spider-Man, Iron Man, Wasp, Blade, and Black Bolt. She also instructed the heroes to read from the Darkhold in order to prepare themselves for the battle ahead. Unfortunately, even that glimpse at Chthon’s work corrupted the heroes into something unrecognizable.
In Superhero Hype’s exclusive preview for Darkhold: Iron Man #1, writer Ryan North and artist Guillermo Sanna show us a darker vision of Tony Stark’s early years. It looks fairly similar to his actual history. But there’s a body horror element in play, and it looks like Stark is destined to go full Tetsuo.
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Here’s the official description from Marvel.
“Ryan North turns his talents to a brand-new genre! Called forth to face the dread god Chthon, Iron Man reads from the ancient ill-fated text the Darkhold…and it changes the course of his entire life. The armor that has saved him countless times is about to become a prison — one whose only escape is a fate worse than death.
The brilliant comedic mind behind The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl and Dinosaur Comics brings you the body-horror tale of the century!!“
You can read the full preview in our gallery below. Darkhold: Iron Man #1 will hit comic book stores on Wednesday, October 13.
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Exclusive Preview: Darkhold: Iron Man #1
Darkhold: Iron Man #1 cover
Cover illustrated by Valerio Giangiordano and Romulo Fajardo Jr.
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