Chris McKay Updates the Status of His Nightwing Movie

In February 2017, Chris McKay signed on to direct a live-action Nightwing movie for the DCEU. Unfortunately for McKay, his vision for Dick Grayson has never come to fruition, as the project remains in development hell. DC co-CEOs James Gunn and Peter Safran did not reference Nightwing when announcing Chapter 1 of the DC Universe. So at this point, it’s unknown if McKay will ever make his Nightwing movie.

In conversation with SFX Magazine, McKay provided some unfortunate updates on the status of Nightwing. Although he has not spoken to the new regime at DC, McKay is still interested in the project and hopes to make it someday.

“I am still hoping to do something with it,” McKay said. “Now that James Gunn is involved… I haven’t had any conversations with him or anybody over there, but I love that character. I hope I can do something with him. That would be amazing.”

In DC comics, Dick Grayson is best known as Robin, Batman’s sidekick and partner. However, Grayson eventually abandoned his Robin persona and became the new hero, Nightwing. This version of Grayson typically wears a blue and black suit and fights with a special pair of batons known as Escrima Sticks.

Though Nightwing may never see the light of day, McKay did bring his version of another iconic character, Count Dracula, to the screen in Renfield. The film focuses on R. M. Renfield (Nicholas Hoult), a lackey to Count Dracula (Nicolas Cage), and his struggle to escape his life of servitude.

Nightwing is not in production. However, Renfield arrives in theaters on April 14.

Do you want to see a live-action version of Nightwing? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below.

Recommended Reading: Nightwing: Year One Deluxe Edition

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