Exclusive Preview: The Flash #81

The Speed Force is dying. Thanks to the Justice League’s failure at the Source Wall, the Speed Force has been poisoned by the previously unknown Still Force, Strength Force, Sage Force, and others. Hunter Zolomon, the new Reverse-Flash, has decided to murder all of the other Force users to ensure the survival of the Speed Force. Barry Allen also wants to retain his speed as the Flash, but he’d rather lose everything than let anyone die. Barry even leaped in front of Hunter when the Black Flash came to claim his life, before suffering seemingly fatal injuries inside the Forever Force.

In Superhero Hype’s exclusive preview for The Flash #81,  Joshua Williamson and artist Scott Kolins pick up after Barry’s injury only to find that he’s not dead yet. However, the secrets of the Forever Force may shed new light on Barry, Hunter, and the Black Flash.

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Here’s the official description from DC: “’The Hunter and the Hunted’ part two! This is one issue you cannot miss! The last gasp of the Speed Force! Can Barry Allen and Hunter Zolomon work together long enough to beat death and save the Speed Force? Can Kid Flash and Avery, the Flash of China, discover what the Rogues want within the wreckage of Iron Heights? Even if the Flash survives, nothing will ever be the same again for the Flash family!

The Flash #81 will hit comic shops on Wednesday, October 23. Let us know what you think in the comment section below!

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