The Flash EP Calls Time Travel Episode Back to the Future/Terminator Mashup

A well-timed story given yesterday’s Groundhog Day as “The Flash” star Grant Gustin says their upcoming time travel episode of the series will take some of its cues from the movie Groundhog Day.

“It’s a complete accident the first time [he time travels],” Gustin tells EW. “It’s really confusing because now we’re playing with timelines and we’re having to shoot things a couple different ways. It’s like a Groundhog’s Day-type element. It’s really funny and really exciting.”

Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg chimed in as well with two more film comparisons for the episode.

“There’s an episode coming up where there is inadvertent connection to the Speed Force that results in probably our funniest hour as well as our darkest hour as the dangers of time travel come to light. It’s a mashup between Back to the Future and Terminator—the good version of time travel and the bad version of time travel.”

Barry’s misadventures with time travel will also lend itself to some key moments for the title character.

“He’s not handling it incredibly well. It’s freaking him out a little bit,” Gustin says. “He realizes, ‘Holy s**t, this an opportunity to change things with my family’s past,’ He doesn’t know yet to maybe not do that, but that’s where Barry’s at when he realizes what he’s just learned that he can do, that he can maybe save his mom.”

Many have theorized that Barry himself was present the night of his mother’s murder and perhaps the reason he appeared miles away as a child that night was his older self saving him. When asked about this, Gustin replied: “That’s a good theory.”

Kreisberg offered one more tease, saying, “After that episode, things are never going to be the same on The Flash.”

“The Flash” airs Tuesdays at 8 P.M. EST on The CW. Don’t miss Origins and Evolutions: The Flash, which takes a look back at the history of the character.
