Marvel Comics Teases Age of Ultron Vs. Marvel Zombies Series for 2015

As they’ve already done for both the new Secret Wars and the new Civil War comics, Marvel Comics has dropped another bombshell teaser online, this time announcing Age of Ultron Vs. Marvel Zombies, a new series to debut in summer 2015.

Details are few about the new series, which will be pitting two of Marvel’s most popular elseworld series against each other. Marvel Zombies of course began back in 2005, spinning out of Ultimate Fantastic Four, and was penned by “The Walking Dead” scribe Robert Kirkman. It went on to see several spin-offs and sequels published in the following years including another match up in Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness. Age of Ultron, however, was published just last summer and takes place in an alternate future where Ultron has won and taken over the planet. Though it shares a namesake with the upcoming Avengers sequel, the only thing they share is the robotic villain.

How will these two alternate universes come to blows against each other? It’s unclear at this point, but in the context of writer Jonathan Hickman’s current Avengers and New Avengers comics, it could make sense. Those titles for years now have been dealing with the idea of parallel worlds gearing up to collide, with one world having to destroy the other in order to survive. Could we be seeing that play out against Marvel’s alternate universes? Sound off with your theories below!
