Sarah Gadon Joins The Amazing Spider-Man Franchise

Speaking with Entertainment Tonight Canada, A Dangerous Method and Cosmopolis star Sarah Gadon confirmed she will be joining The Amazing Spider-Man franchise, which is already set to go to four films. Gadon didn’t confirm which role she’ll be playing in the series, but many have already begun to speculate she will become “the new Mary Jane” and will replace Woodley. Other outlets have reported that this is in fact not the case and that Gadon will play a different role in the series. Check back here for future confirmation on the matter. Do you think Gadon will be playing MJ? Sound off below!

In The Amazing Spider-Man 2, opening May 2, 2014, for Peter Parker (Garfield), life is busy – between taking out the bad guys as Spider-Man and spending time with the person he loves, Gwen (Emma Stone), high school graduation can’t come quickly enough. Peter hasn’t forgotten about the promise he made to Gwen’s father to protect her by staying away – but that’s a promise he just can’t keep. Things will change for Peter when a new villain, Electro (Jamie Foxx), emerges, an old friend, Harry Osborn (Dane DeHaan), returns, and Peter uncovers new clues about his past.

UPDATE: The Wrap’s Jeff Sneider has posted the following update to his Twitter feed. It’s looking like Peter Parker isn’t going to be hitting the jackpot until 2016.

“100% CONFIRMED: Sarah Gadon IS in Amazing Spider-Man 2 briefly,” he writes. “She is NOT playing Mary Jane Watson, who will NOT appear until Part THREE. A FALSE rumor started that Sarah replaced Shailene as MJ. She confirmed to ET Canada she’s in the movie. Fans made a connection. It’s wrong. Nothing else to report, so calm down everyone. No drama here to see. Marc Webb cut MJ appearance to streamline the story.”

Precisely who Gadon will be playing remains to be seen, but check back for updates as they become available.

UPDATE 2: Reiterating the news, Gadon herself has taken to Twitter with the following message:

“To all those a twitter,” she writes, “I will not be playing MJ in Spider-Man. I have a role in the film, but it is not that one :)”

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