This weekend, we brought you some exclusive photos from the set of Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Production is currently in New Orleans where they’ve set up an overgrown San Francisco on one of the streets. One of our sources got us quite a few photos previously and today they’ve provided us with a few more, including some surprises.
If you look at the pictures closely, you’ll see a few more San Francisco indicators such as a banner for the Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco and a broken down cable car. The most interesting thing about the photos though is the graffiti on one of the buildings. The original image is that of a human face with the words “Human Nation” on the top and bottom, and as you can see a chimpanzee skull (with a biohazard symbol) have been painted over it. Could this provide some clues about the human resistance still alive in the film? Sound off below with your theories and check out our full gallery of images by clicking here!