Mark Millar Teases Big Announcement from Fox

On his Millarworld forums, the comic scribe wrote about having finally spoken to the director and talked about the plans Fox has for the future.

“Days of Future-Past is potentially the biggest and most ambitious superhero movie ever made. I’ve seen this coming together in various stages, but now they’re only weeks away from shooting it’s really catching fire. I’ll catch Bry in person before he heads to Montreal next month when I’m seeing Wolvie and we can chat a little more about the Fox grand plan. A very, very exciting time to be into this stuff, especially when you consider that the brilliant Josh Trank has Fantastic Four lined up for 2015.”
Millar also mentioned that an ‘exciting announcement’ is on the way from Fox.
“There’s a very exciting announcement you guys will hear about over the coming months (if not before), but the most immediate things the office is talking about are Days of Future Past and The Wolverine.”
The last half of that sentence would lead us to believe that the forthcoming announcement is not about either of those films but rather a different one altogether. Got any theories?
The Wolverine opens on July 26, 2013 and X-Men: Days of Future Past is set to hit theaters on July 18, 2014.