“I squashed a rumor that was on the internet last week. It was about Mark Walhberg. Mark was rumored to be staring in Transformers 4. We are working on another movie together, not T4. I had such a great time working with Mark on Pain and Gain, and he gave such a great performance – well let’s say that very internet chatter gave me some ideas. We are at the inception of our story process right now on T4. Let’s say some ideas are gaining traction with me and my writer – so I’m here to say thanks internet chatter.”
While this is by no means an official announcement, maybe we will be seeing Mark Wahlberg say hello to Optimus Prime’s mother after all.
Transformers 4 is currently in development for a June 27, 2014 release. Bay has said in the past that this is likely the final Transformers adventure with him at the helm. Ehren Kruger is providing the screenplay which is rumored to take the storyline into outer space with a brand new cast of both humans and robots.
(Photo Credit: FayesVision/WENN.com)