Below you will find the cover for the first issue (via Newsarama). It seems that the leader for the new team book will be none other than General ‘Thunderbolt’ Ross as the Red Hulk and his team members will be Elektra, The Punisher, Venom (Flash Thompson), and Deadpool.
Series editor Jordan White offered this about the new series: “T-Bolts has gone through quite a few shifts over the years, some more radical than others. This one is going to be a pretty big change in that none of the characters or plotlines from the previous series are carrying over. It’s a new take, but one that is grounded in that original idea that has always been woven into the fabric of the series, the hero/villain dichotomy, and characters bridging the gap between them. If you look at our roster, every one of our characters is a character who started out as a villain in their first appearances but who has, over the years, made the shift to hero… or at least antihero. Unlike the most recent Thunderbolts, this group is not working for any government program — this is Red Hulk’s team, to do with as he sees fit.”
The series will launch in December and is written by Daniel Way and drawn by Steve Dillon.