Matthew Libatique Filming Aronofsky’s Wolverine 2

HitFix‘s Drew McWeeney ran into cinematographer Matthew Libatique earlier this week at the AFI Fest closing night party and learned that Libatique would indeed be joining Darren Aronofsky for his jump into mainstream studio superhero movies by filming Wolverine 2. Libatique has been Aronofsky’s cinematographer of choice dating back to his first movie Pi with The Wrestler being the only film Aronofsky has done without his long-time collaborator. No, it’s not exactly huge breaking news that  Aronofsky and Libatique are reuniting for the sixth time, having both entered the movie biz together, but what is interesting is that Libatique was also the cinematographer on both Iron Man and Iron Man 2 for director Jon Favreau (also, the upcoming Cowboys & Aliens), so the cat already has experience filming superheroes which should make it easier for Aronofsky to transition into mainstream features without losing the visual flair he has brought to his earlier films.

Aronofsky’s next film Black Swan comes out on December 3 in select cities, and it’s already being said that the film’s star Natalie Portman (who appears in Marvel Studios’ Thor) may be up for an Oscar nomination. 
