Thor: Love and Thunder – What Did You Think?!

Warning: The comment section of this post will have spoilers for Thor: Love and Thunder!

Now that Thor: Love and Thunder is in theaters, we can start to ask the important questions. Like, is this the Iron Man 2 of Phase 4? Or is it the Thor: The Dark World of Phase 4? Regardless of your answer, we want to know what the Superhero Hype community thinks about it! This post is a place for all of you to leave your own reviews, thoughts, or anything else you want to say about Thor: Love and Thunder.

For all of our previous coverage about this film, click here. You can also read Superhero Hype’s review for the sequel.

Whether you love or hate this movie, it really boils down to three people. Director Taika Waititi, whose sense of humor overpowers almost everything about the film, Chris Hemsworth, who loves playing goofy Thor, and Kevin Feige. Because ultimately, the buck stops with Feige. Unfortunately, it seems like Feige and company learned all of the wrong lessons from Thor: Ragnarok, to the detriment of any emotionally resonant scenes in this film.

RELATED: Taika Waititi Rules Out Deleted Scenes For Thor: Love and Thunder

There are certainly some interesting…choices in the movie. For example, Zeus was a big ball of WTF. And wouldn’t it be more impactful to see Heimdall’s son if Heimdall had ever mentioned having a family in any of the previous films?

On the positive side, Hemsworth and Natalie Portman seemed to rediscover the chemistry that was missing from their scenes in The Dark World. And there are some fun moments throughout. Christian Bale was good as Gorr, but he also disappeared for large periods of time in the movie. Overall, it was just disappointing and listless.

But that’s what I think about it. Now it’s your turn to leave your reviews for the Thor sequel in the comment section below!

Recommended Reading: Thor by Jason Aaron: The Complete Collection Vol. 1

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