Spoilers are the worst. Revealing pivotal plot points of highly anticipated media is one thing the majority of the world can agree totally sucks. And being the one that divulges such details will easily place you in the supervillain pantheon.
The past week has presented perhaps the most volatile anti-spoiler environment to date. The release of Avengers: Endgame and a monumental episode of Game of Thrones created an online minefield to eclipse all others. Spoiling either has apparently brought friendships to an end, made people question their romantic relationships and gave families yet another argument-inducing topic of conversation. There have even been physical altercations over Endgame spoilers.
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Spoiling Avengers: Endgame has led some fans to want to strip certain figures of their livelihood. Such is the case with perhaps the most famous offender, Buffalo Bills running back LeSean McCoy. Shady spoiled the film publicly on Twitter shortly before the film’s release on Thursday, causing his 730,000 followers much anguish. Fans even started a Change.org petition calling for the NFL to dissolve his contract with the Bills, Marvel to ban him from seeing future MCU films in theaters and Twitter to delete his account.
Many of these reactions are problematic, but it doesn’t negate the distinct sinking feeling associated with having an important event spoiled. Much less a cinematic achievement ten years in the making like Avengers: Endgame. Most of these cases are the result of accidental reveals or excited fan conversation getting into plot details. Basically, the majority of people don’t mean to spoil the film. But there are always a few cases where films are spoiled, regardless of intent, in very peculiar fashion. It is frustrating, but at least spoilees can get a laugh out of having something spoiled in ridiculous fashion. Avengers: Endgame was no exception.
So, let’s take a look at five odd ways Avengers: Endgame was spoiled for fans.
Odd Ways Avengers Endgame Was Spoiled
The Hacksmith's Unappreciated Sacrifice
The Hacksmith is a familiar YouTuber to superhero fans. His final pre-Endgame video featured the creation of a fully functional Iron Man helmet, complete with a working HUD and Raspberry Pi-based Friday AI replica.
Multiple delays led The Hacksmith to postpone his own opening night viewing of Avengers: Endgame so that he could finish the video. His sacrifice was met with hundreds of comments spoiling the film for him.
“After all I do for you guys. Not cool. I missed seeing the premiere so I could finish this video for you. DON'T SPOIL MOVIES.”
Cinemark's Cocktail Miscue
Cinemark's large presence in the industry obviously meant that it would go all in on Avengers: Endgame promotions on opening weekend. They weren’t exempt from some timely Endgame rebranding, but the marketing department let a heavy, HEAVY spoiler out via a cocktail’s name.
The spoilerific name went live on banners in multiple theaters and ruined the ending of the film for some fans before they even bought their popcorn.
Incels Weaponize Spoilers Against Critics
Insular communities that feed on hate and trollish behavior seemingly have no qualms about using even something as trivial as revealing a film’s ending to be cruddy.
Avengers: Endgame became the hateful’s latest tool this week when Reddit’s incel community bombarded multiple members of the incel critical subreddit r/IncelTears with spoiler-filled DMs.
One mod of a prominent incel subreddit even pinned messages on their own page to "troll" their opposition, spoiling the film for their own community in the process.
It looks like their efforts were in vain though as many of those affected laughed off the hate group’s campaign.
The Dreaded Pornhub Comment Section
Let’s be real, comment sections on porn websites are the most useless on the internet. They typically only have a few standard use-case scenarios, and none of them are that valuable.
There is a reason why subreddits exist celebrating when they trail into weird and hilarious territory within them. Unless you’re asking Twitter user @egirlpiper. This benign attitude apparently made Pornhub’s ripe for Avengers: Endgame spoilers: “JUST GOT ENDGAME SPOILED FOR ME IN THE PORNHUB COMMENT SECTION ARE YOU F**KIN KIDDING ME”
Penis Envy
A long standing rivalry between penis-size centric subreddits r/bigdickproblems and r/smalldickproblems saw Endgame spoilers brought into the mix. One SDP member took it upon himself to DM spoilers, as well as some anti-Muslim hate speech, to multiple members of BDP.
“I just had Endgame spoiled for me because a guy was insecure about his penis size,” said Reddit user Wolf_in_the_Box.