When Does Star Trek: Section 31 Take Place in the Timeline?
Photo Credit: Paramount+

When Does Star Trek: Section 31 Take Place in the Timeline?

Star Trek: Section 31 has released, and fans are wondering about the film’s timeline placement and when it is set in the larger Star Trek universe. This film sees the return of Michelle Yeoh’s Emperor Philipa Georgiou, first introduced in Star Trek: Discovery, as she joins Section 31, a covert Starfleet team that use dubious tactics to ensure the protection of the United Federation of Planets. Along the way, Georgiou handles the aftermath of the sins she committed in the past.

So when is Section 31 set in the Star Trek timeline? Here is your answer.

When does Section 31 take place in the Star Trek timeline?

There is no official confirmation of when Star Trek: Section 31 is set in the timeline.

However, what’s known is that the film is set during the Lost Era. A time period that spans the years between the original Star Trek films and Star Trek: The Next Generation. However, the appearance of the character Rachel Garrett, in both Section 31 and Star Trek: The Next Generation, can help approximately pinpoint the timeline placement of the series.

In Star Trek: The Next Generation, Garrett, who is the captain of U.S.S. Enterprise-C, is around 50 years old at the time of her death in 2344. This would coincide with the age of the actress in the series, Tricia O’Neil, who was born in 1945 and was in her mid 40s.

However, in Star Trek: Section 31, she is said to be in her 30s, also tracking with actress Kacey Rohl’s age, which is 33. This would place the series’ events around 20 years before her death in 2344.

Moreover, Garrett is also just a lieutenant in the series and she only becomes captain in 2332, as established in Star Trek lore. Furthermore, she also only gets promoted from lieutenant to commanding officer in 2328. Thus, Section 31 would be set at some point during 2324-2326, when Garrett was still a lieutenant.

Olatunde Osunsanmi directed the film from a script written by Craig Sweeny. Besides Michelle Yeoh and Kacey Rohl, the movie also stars Omari Hardwick, Sam Richardson, Sven Ruygrok, Robert Kazinsky, Humberly González, and James Hiroyuki Liao.

Originally reported by Abdul Azim Naushad on ComingSoon.
