Some folks choose to use February 29 as a day of service. For others, it’s just a bonus day to get more stuff done. Toy collectors, however, might just pretend it’s a day that doesn’t count, and therefore, why not preorder some brand-new action figures? What you choose to do on the extra day of Leap year is up to you; what McFarlane Toys is choosing to do on Feb. 29th is drop three new Batman action figures at your favorite online toy retailers. Crime never sleeps, and nor do Todd McFarlane’s ideas for new toy versions of the Caped Crusader.
When Kane Was King
Longtime Batman fans already recognized the version in our main image above: it’s First Appearance Batman, with the purple gloves that very quickly became more color-coordinated in subsequent strips. McFarlane Toys’ relatively recent embrace of cloth capes for some figures helps this one a lot; it appears to also be wired for posing. Good thing the company didn’t do this one earlier, when sculpted was their sole solution. There’s enough detail on this figure to play and display with others, but the classic original look remains prominent.

Knightfall Batman proved a popular figure in blue and gray, so now he’s coming in black and gray as well. For many fans, this is the classic Batman look of the ’80s and ’90s, but with Bob Kane’s color scheme in mind. Batman typically appeared blue on the page because black was for outlines rather than fill-ins, but Kane said he always imagined that blue to be black if it were real life.

Knightsend Batman showcases the Batman suit worn by Jean-Paul Valley/Azrael after Bruce Wayne was put on the shelf by a Bane spinal snap. The replacement Batman’s tenure was mostly forgettable, but his excessively detailed techno-suit was a product of the Image aesthetic seeping into everything. McFarlane Toys has made versions of it before, but not this particular one.

Will you spend your extra day ensuring you preorder these three?