If this Frankenstein action figure looks a little happier than most, maybe it’s because he finally has a place to sit down. Those big platform boots must be hell on the ol’ tootsies after a while. On the other hand, he’s chained to it with padlocks. That might be bad. But the creature never did have much ability to plan ahead very far. Alternatively, he may be happier because this is the creature from director James Whale’s Bride of Frankenstein, generally considered one of the best of the Universal monster movies and one that briefly holds the promise of reward for the misunderstood living dead guy. Oh, and he comes with food, drink, a bowl, and a cigar. All the necessities, apart from a willing bride that doesn’t scream at the sight of his face.
C’mon in…and Pull Yourself up a Chair
Technically, this figure is “in color,” but practically, he’s mostly gray anyway. None of that vivid green people would attribute to him later — he’s more corpse-colored. His clothes look more ripped than on previous figures, and there’s blood on his hands, figuratively and literally.

Featuring the authentic likeness of Boris Karloff, the monster, like most NECA figures, is 1/10 scale, making him slightly taller than 7 inches, and his chair should work for most figures in that scale and smaller. He may think he belongs dead, but we all know he belongs on your display shelf. Pop off his hands to put the shackles on him and hang the real chains from his wrists.
This Bride of Frankenstein set is an NECA online store exclusive, now up for preorder at $50 plus shipping. Expect delivery in June.
Not sure whether you need Dr. Frankenstein’s creation to take a seat among your plastic possessions? Check out some additional photos below, and you tell us where he belongs.