Hotly anticipated by Zack Snyder fans, and particularly those who want to see him do his own thing free from the constraints of DC movies, Rebel Moon comes to Netflix this holiday season. So of course, at Comic-Con, there are toys. Snyder’s movies generally lend themselves to such, as his designs frequently translate well to three-dimensional plastic. Perhaps the licensor is the biggest surprise: Diamond Select Toys. That’s a new one for Snyder, who has previously worked with NECA and DC Direct. Diamond tends to roll figures out in waves of two or three, with the first wave of Rebel Moon figures looking likely to be Nemesis and Jimmy.
Unleash the Snyder-Verse
We should note as the booth does that these are prototypes, still subject to licensor approval. But it’s not like Zack Snyder wouldn’t approve — he loves this stuff.

Nemesis, played by Bae Doona (sometimes billed as Doona Bae), is a partly cybernetic master of swords, one of several rebels recruited by Sofia Boutella’s Kora, Seven Samurai style, to fight the Imperium. Her figure appears to have a removable hat, at least at this stage.

Jimmy the robot is the last in a line of mechanical knights who served a fallen King, before the days of the Imperium. He’ll be voiced by Anthony Hopkins.

Expect the figures to run around $24.99 and be in Diamond’s usual 7-inch scale, with Jimmy running taller to tower over Nemesis as he does onscreen. If they sell well, more waves will likely follow. We’ll be talking to Diamond Select shortly to confirm further details, but for now, enjoy these amazing sculpts.