G.I. Joe‘s latest fully loaded, deluxe figure for San Diego Comic-Con may come as a surprise to those who haven’t been reading leaked listings and rumors. Chuckles, who originally came as a fairly stripped-down figure, now includes a whole lot of gear and accessories for his undercover adventures. Possibly inspired by the popularity of Miami Vice in the ’80s, Chuckles was an undercover Joe in a Hawaiian shirt and plain pants, equipped only with a handgun and a gun belt.
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This one has a lot more, including an alternate beaten-up head. His sunglasses and headset may help cover that up a little, but he can give as good as he gets with alternate brass knuckle hands and a knife, augmenting the original gun and gun belt, modified for the larger figure scale. Other accessories include binoculars, data file, lei, briefcase, and a mini cassette player.

The extras don’t come cheap — Chuckles runs $41.99, with a slight possibility, but no guarantee, that a more basic one might get issued later. Grab a QR code at the Hasbro booth to get a one-time log-in code to buy him online.

Meanwhile, with just a week left to go on the crowdfunded G.I. Joe Dragonfly attack helicopter, Hasbro just revealed the final stretch goal. In the (increasingly unlikely) event it gets to 19,000 backers by the time funding closes, the project will add Nightforce Crazylegs, another classic para-troop character in a dark black scheme rather than his original, livelier red and gray (which we’ll surely see in the main line). The Dragonfly looks sure to hit 16,000 and get the bonus Glenda figure, but 19,000 means finding 3,000 more buyers in a week. We’ll know by Comic-Con!