This green giant doesn’t look so jolly. Though he does look a fair bit like Hulk in his Quantum Realm suit, whom Hasbro has not made a Marvel Legend of yet. But no, this is as an entirely different green shape shifter who can take more powerful, beastly forms: Beast Boy! The build-a-figure in McFarlane Toys‘ Titans figures wave contains, as Todd McFarlane likes to say, lots of plastic. Worth the build, when he’d probably cost $40 by himself.

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Based on the comics Titans rather than the TV series, this wave also offers Raven, Donna Troy, Arsenal, and a newly sculpted Nightwing, who’s clearly a McFarlane fave. Preorders launch tomorrow, Feb 24th, at all your favorite online retailers. If previous prices for BAF waves hold, expect to pay $24.99 each. Arsenal rocks the backwards ball-cap look like he’s going to win an arm-wrestling contest.

Raven comes with a dark energy blast, while Donna just dresses in dark colors.

Fans are mostly applauding Nightwing’s more streamlined proportions here.

Are you excited by McFarlane Toys’ new Titans figures? Which of the five looks like your favorite? Will you build a Beast Boy, or just pick and choose? Let us know your buying strategy in comments below.
Recommended Reading: Teen Titans: Raven and Beast Boy HC Box Set
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