WonderCon 2008: Day 1!

ComingSoon.net/SuperheroHype.com is attending WonderCon 2008 in San Francisco this weekend, and we’ve got a rundown of what was shown from Universal’s Wanted and what James McAvoy said about the graphic novel adaptation. Anthony Baratta reports…

Saw part of film. Scene starts with Angelina Jolie opening up canvas bag and pulling out Israeli “corner” gun. She stands and is standing on end-cap of grocery store with James. She uses gun to look down aisle each side. Bad guy at other end of aisle, hiding behind end-cap. She shoots and chip bags explode. We follow bullet from bad guy down the top product shelf and it comes out between Angelina and James – bullet hole through head of person (between eyes) on “Wheaties” box.

Angelina notices aisle mirrors, she grabs James pulling him along and shoots out mirrors, while moving. She pauses, and James runs away, down the aisle – straight towards bad guy. Bad guy comes forward, and Angelina shoots “butane” / BBQ starter products they explode cutting off James from bad guy. James runs for the front of the store, bad guy goes to rear of store. James runs with terrified crowd out of store and into parking lot. Bad guy steals Pet Food Delivery Truck (looks like bakery truck) and attempts to run down James.

Angelina, in Viper, comes screaming around corner down the parking lot aisle at James. He’s frozen crouched in the middle of aisle staring at headlights of delivery truck bearing down on him. Angelina power slides Viper, door swings open “picking” up James and slamming him into the car seat. Finishes power slide, door closes and Viper roars away with delivery truck in pursuit.

From delivery truck, bad guy shoots at Viper while both are careening down the road – dodging cars. James asks Angelina to call the cops – she comes up from behind a cop car and proceeds to run it off the road. Angelina pulls out another gun and aiming backwards while driving shoots back at delivery truck. Emptying gun, she pulls another and shoots the front windshield, pushes it out and it flies away. Then she makes James grab steering wheel, jams a can into the accelerator, and pulls herself on to the hood – back to hood, legs in window, sits up and shoots with two guns back at delivery truck. All the while the car is still weaving in and out of traffic via her foot and James’s one-handed help.

Close call with sideswipe of truck and Angelina’s head, while she’s dangling off of side of hood. Car cuts off group of other cars which block the delivery van, and bad guy uses a “curved” shot to shoot out two of the Viper’s tires.

Viper turns corner, wheel rims sparking up the ground, and Police road block ahead. Angelina “sees” bus coming towards intersection, pulls herself into car – puts Viper into power slide. Viper hits lip of road in front of Police road block and “flips” over police cars sideways – slow-mo shot of car going upside down over Policeman and car, McAvoy screaming – Cop looking confused. Car finished “flip” by hitting side of bus (tires of Viper against side of bus) causing bus to topple over on it’s “other” side – and Viper now upright, “drives” off of side of bus and back onto the street. Drives away. End.

Danny Elfman doing movie score.

McAvoy spoke for a while. Mentioned that Jolie is a very intense actress. Especially when it comes to the action scenes. She has a stunt double that would “kick your *ss” easily.

Found the director (Timur Bekmambetov) great to work with. Director mentioned he wanted to find the “conflict” in every scene – which fit well with how McAvoy looks at acting.

Didn’t think he would get part. Thought that they would go with someone more rugged / perfect. Was very happy to land the role. Has never done an action movie and was excited to be a part of this one. Feels that nearly failing at something generates good things, so is inclined to stretch and try something new – to get close to that edge of failing.

Grew up watching “Lethal Weapon” and “Back to the Future.” Liked the fact that Michael J. Fox made “Back to the Future” action with all his movement like sliding across the hood of the Delorean. Mentioned that he got to jump a bridge. 😉

Movie was intriguing to him because even the good guys are not so good.

Felt that he has been lucky to work with so many great actors and actresses – and be able to learn more about acting while working with them.

For more on what else was shown and talked about on Friday, as well as a new WonderCon photo gallery, click here!

Source: Anthony Baratta


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