Malin Akerman, star of Paramount Pictures’ remake of The Heartbreak Kid as the lunatic wife of Ben Stiller, excitedly told ComingSoon.net/Superhero Hype! at the press day that although she loves her comic role and working with the Farrelly brothers, she’s looking forward to shooting Zack Snyder’s Watchmen, because it’s such a change from her current project.
Malin Akerman: This is a really cool role. She’s sort of the psychology of the film because she’s the only woman in the “Watchmen” aside from the previous “Watchmen.” She is a femme fatale, she is a kick ass fighter, and I think she sort of carries the emotion of the film because she is the only woman amongst all of these men. They’re going through sort of not being the Watchmen anymore and dealing with that as well as trying to figure out who is trying to kill them off. It’s a really, really, really well written script. [It’s a] really great role that I’m so excited to do because it’s so opposite from what I just did. It’s a wonderful novel and very true to the novel. If you’re familiar with the novel that’s it.
SHH!: When do you start filming?
Akerman:They’ve already started this week actually. I start October 15th.
CS/SHH!: How long are you shooting for?
Akerman: Until February. It’s a long shoot.
CS/SHH!: Are you ready for that process with the green screen and all?
Akerman:There’s not that much green screen because it’s very real. We’re not superheroes or anything like that. We just fight. We fight crime. There’s only one scene on Mars that I think will be a green screen. I’m excited. I’m looking forward to trying new things.
CS/SHH!: What’s your rehearsal process been like for this?
Akerman: It is not fun. I’ve been training for a month and a half and I still don’t see the results. I have no muscles. I’m starting to get aggravated. It’s actually been a lot of fun because we’ve been doing a lot of fight training. You go in and you have these amazing fighters that are doing this and they show you what to do. You try to do it and you look like a ballerina trying to do karate and it’s so hard. It looks a lot easier than it is. Trust me. I’ve got a few more months of training I think.
CS/SHH!: Are you prepared for the fans to go crazy over this film and your character?
Akerman: It’s exciting. I don’t ever feel like you’re really ready for it. I just hope we do it justice.
CS/SHH!: Are fans starting to approach you about the film?
Akerman: Not yet. I haven’t been out.
Before then, you can see Akerman being very funny in the Farrelly Brothers’ The Heartbreak Kid, out on October 5, and Watchmen is scheduled for March 6, 2009.
Source: Heather Newgen