Spider-Man 3 Reports Already Rolling in!

That didn’t take long! Just as with Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2, the New York fans are on top of things when it comes to filming and we’ll kick things off with ‘Tim’:

I just got back from the set on 23rd and 5th and took camera phone pictures. I just posted to the Comic Foundry Magazine blog.

You’ll get to see director Sam Raimi in those pics above, as well the dogs and kids costumes described in the earlier report. Also, ‘Turd McFurden’ says that Tobey Maguire is on-location:

Hey, it’s not a pic, but Tobey Maguire is in NY and was reported waiting in his trailer at 10AM. Here’s a link.

And ‘Adrian!’ wrote in with his report:

Hey guys. Second time writing in from New York City. I’m writing to confirm what’s already been posted about the filming in Madison Square Park.

I noticed the camera crew and equipment early this morning (8:45) on my way to work. It wasn’t until later did I think it might have to do with Spider-Man 3.

During lunch, which I ate in the park, I finally became curious enough to take a close look. I saw two things:

1. Kids in Spidey costumes. One kid, blonde-haired boy, was hanging from a knotted rope. It seemed like he was emulating Spider-Man: climbing the rope, trying to perform a flip or something. Then his mom (maybe?) came over and pulled him off the rope, apparently trying to protect him from hurting himself.

It wasn’t anything interesting, though I did manage to snap off a few pictures (which I can’t send till later).

2. Then. On my way out, I noticed some model-like chicks walking about — and that always catches my eye. It took a moment or two for me to realize they were parading before none other than Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire). Sam Raimi was also there, dressed down in jeans with a blue blazer. Also snapped a few pictures there.

No idea where the scene fits into the movie, but there was a mixed group of models (blonde, brunette; black, white) standing in line, while one made her way down the “runway.” Maguire looked on, pleased.

I’m sure you’ll be flooded with accounts and pictures, but I’ll still send the photos this evening. Take care. Love the site.

‘dj Ricky’ told us:

I work near Madison Park and I saw the same thing. Saw the dog with the Spidey outfit at 12. After having lunch with my wife, on the way back to the office, walked through the park and they were actually filming but the Shake-shack/water fountain. They had some thick gauged rope tied every other foot (like in gym class) and on it was this one older toddler wearing red and blue (like Spidey’s homemade outfit). A lot of extras walking around including two kids running around the fountain (funny cause I almost walked in during the take).

Source: Superhero Hype!
