Jones on Juggernaut in X-Men: The Last Stand

Vinnie Jones may be known as a soccer super star in England, but here in the States he’s making quite a name for himself as an actor with films such as “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,” “Snatch,” “Gone in Sixty Seconds,” and his latest film “She’s the Man” which stars Amanda Bynes.

At an interview for “She’s the Man,” Jones wouldn’t give up too much into about his role as Juggernaut in X-Men: The Last Stand, but he did say he had “killer” lines.

“He’s a big tough guy. What is he 6 foot 6? He has ridiculous strength and when he gets going he’s unstoppable. Not even another Juggernaut could stop him head on you know. When he gets his helmet down he runs through walls as if they’re not there.”

X-Men: The Last Stand hits theaters May 26.

Source: Heather Newgen

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