Spider-Man 2 Promos, Novelization & Making-of Book

While we’re not going to be able to mention all of the awesome promos for Spider-Man 2 that are hitting cities worldwide and your local theaters (for example, watch out for the triangle standee with the three posters, the giant poster and the three separate posters), we got some cool ones in today. First up, ‘Jspider13’ writes…

Hey guys. I was driving down Venice blvd (right near Sony Studios) and caught some pictures of a bus stop Spidey 2 poster and a giant billboard.

You can check those out here and here.

Also, ‘Anton’ wrote in from Europe…

I was in Berlin this weekend and saw this outside a big theater. I guess it’s some kind of Spider-Man 2 promo. That could mean Spider-Man 2 is coming in IMAX (very, very cool).

You can check out Mr. Spidey hanging here.

By the way, ‘phantomofrent’ also reminded us that Peter David’s Spider-Man 2 novelization and Mark Vaz’s Making-of book Caught in the Web: Dreaming Up the World of Spider-Man 2 became available today. If you’d like to order those, just click on their title links (they do include spoilers).

Source: Superhero Hype!


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