Note From the Editor: October is the perfect month for cosplay, even if costume parties are out this year. Superhero Hype’s special cosplay correspondent, Ashlynne Dae, is back for the first of three October columns. This week, Ashylynne is sharing her cosplay for Felicia Hardy aka the Black Cat!
It’s no secret that Peter Parker has a lot of love interests. They are all dream girls in their own right! I have also cosplayed the big three: Mary Jane Watson, Gwen Stacy, and Felicia Hardy. I love all three, but MJ and Gwen just aren’t quite as enthralling as Black Cat.
RELATED: Superhero Hype Cosplay: Shades of Jean Grey
Felicia definitely is one of my favorite bad girl in the Spiderverse, and I’m sure many of you might agree with me!
You can find these pics and more at
Instagram: @ashlynnedae
Only Fans:
Superhero Hype Cosplay: Black Cat
Superhero Hype Cosplay: Black Cat #1
Felicia Hardy is a fierce fighter with cat-like abilities and the ability to cause others bad luck. What’s not to love about her?
She has been a villain and an antihero, and you know I love a villain!
Superhero Hype Cosplay: Black Cat #2
I also love cosplaying Felicia because there is almost nothing that feels as good as slipping on a black catsuit!
Her costume is pretty easy to piece together, even if you don’t know how to sew.
Superhero Hype Cosplay: Black Cat #3
While I made mine you could easily buy a catsuit, some black opera gloves, some boots and a little bit of white fur.
Superhero Hype Cosplay: Black Cat #4
I pin my neckline fur in so I can use the catsuit for other characters. I love reusing cosplay pieces. It cuts down on costs and helps the environment by not producing more things!
Superhero Hype Cosplay: Black Cat #5
Fashion tape some fur onto the back of your boots so you can reuse those for other characters too. Then sew some into your gloves and you have a costume!
Top it off with a mask and a wig. My mask is from Tiger Stone FX. But you can easily make one out of worbla or foam.
Superhero Hype Cosplay: Black Cat #6
If you want to go the extra mile you can glue some black fake nails onto your gloves. Mine have foam on the inside to look like claws.
But if you don’t make them gluing on the outside works just as well.
Superhero Hype Cosplay: Black Cat #7
I love cosplay that is simple, yet impactful and easily recognized! Black Cat definitely makes a statement and I love seeing other cosplayers take her on as well.