Amanda Waller executed a number of power plays in the past year. Openly leading a new government agency, the Bureau of Sovereignty, the woman called “The Wall” has more power than ever. However, despite her new station, Waller is not one to fix what isn’t broken.
To that end, her methods for running the Suicide Squad remain the same, save for one change. Whereas she once would have considered recruiting independent agents, Waller is now actively conscripting heroes like Dreamer against their will.
Suicide Squad: Dream Team #1 by Nicole Maines and Eddy Barrows sets up the latest incarnation of the titular team. Gone are the days of willing volunteers. Everyone is being forced to be there, from reformed villains like Harley Quinn to unrepentant criminals like Clock King. It is Dreamer, however, who seems to have the biggest role in Waller’s designs.
The cover and first four pages of Suicide Squad: Dream Team #1 can be viewed below.

A Quick History of Dreamer

Dreamer is notable as one of the rare comic characters whose origins lie in an adaptation. Psychic alien Nia Nal was originally created for the show Supergirl. Played by Nicole Maines, the naive but hopeful hero had prophetic visions and the power to make dreams into reality. She proved popular, and soon began appearing in other Arrowverse shows.
In 2022, Dreamer was introduced into the reality of Earth-Prime. She made a number of supporting appearances, in stories written or co-written by Nicole Maines. This established the hero’s presence in the Dawn of DC age, and her friendship with the Jonathan Kent Superman.
Given that history, it will be interesting to see how Nia interacts with Harley Quinn. The Clown Princess of Crime-Fighting enjoyed a similar trajectory, first appearing in Batman: The Animated Series before being introduced into the comics years later. It will also be interesting to see if Dreamer can turn Amanda Waller’s dreams of a more controllable Suicide Squad into a nightmare.
Suicide Squad: Dream Team #1 arrives in comic shops everywhere on March 12, 2024.