The Titans: Beast World event ended with the stunning revelation that Raven had been replaced by her demonic half. This left many Titans fans wondering why the Dark Raven, who has always been devoted to destruction, would play at being her better half. An answer was delivered in Titans #8 by Tom Taylor and Stephen Segovia.

Titans #8 established the new status quo following Titans: Beast World. The Titans are less trusted than ever, with the public turning upon the heroes, particularly Beast Boy. Despite this, Demon Raven is still continuing the charade of pretending to be Rachel Roth.

Trigon himself was curious as to the reason for the ruse. While he was delighted to finally have his daughter embrace her demonic heritage, he had expected a more explosive emergence. There, was, however, a reason for the demonic Raven’s treachery.
Demon Raven Plans to Corrupt the Titans

The Demon Raven agreed with Trigon that it would be easy to kill the Titans and “melt the flesh from their bones.” She argued, however, that it was far better to manipulate them into serving the plans of Hell. The Titans are too powerful a force to simply be discarded and she intends for them to serve her as she served Trigon. Additionally, it would further torment the mortal spirit of Rachel Roth, now trapped inside the same gem that held once held the Demon Raven.
This reasoning pleased Trigon, who was now satisfied that Raven had truly become his daughter. To that end, he took her deeper into Hell, that they may discuss her final destiny. He had intended for her to be a mere agent of destruction, but now felt she might become a “dark-winged queen.” It does not seem to have occurred to Trigon, however, that a conquest-minded Raven is a serious threat to him.
Titans #8 is now available at comic shops everywhere.