There is an old adage that politics makes strange bedfellows. The same is true in superhero comics, where heroes and villains routinely unite against common enemies. However, the unlikely alliance Superman made to fight Bizarro in Action Comics #1062 is particularly strange.

Written by Jason Aaron, with art by John Timms, Action Comics #1062 finds Superman in a battle against chaos incarnate. The previous issue ended with a magically empowered Bizarro working a spell to turn Earth-Prime into Bizarro World. This left Superman running himself ragged, trying to save the people of Metropolis from their own insanity. At the same time, he had to resist the spell turning him into a clone of Bizarro, even as his allies were transformed. All the while, Bizzaro psychically taunted Superman, explaining that he did this so the Man of Steel would be as hated as Bizarro was on Earth-Prime.
After weeks of battle, Superman was no closer to a solution to reversing Bizarro’s spell. Worse yet, every magician who had been working to fight the spell fell prey to it. This left Superman without any allies in an increasingly mad world and no option but to fight Bizarro in his own unbalanced mindscape.
Superman Teams With Bizarro Joker

Reasoning that everything on Bizarro World was the opposite of Earth-Prime, Superman turned to the only sane man left. Naturally, this was the Bizzaro Joker, who was every bit as sane and logical as The Joker was not. He agreed to assist the Man of Steel, acting as his guide and helping him stay sane.
There was a reason Clark sought out Joker, beyond the idea of doing the opposite of his first impulse and consulting Batman. Superman reasoned that, given the state of the world, there was only one person who was still sane enough to help him. Logically, on Bizarro World, the craziest man alive would have to be completely sane and sober.
Action Comics #1062 is now available at comic shops everywhere.