In the right hands, there is little that a Green Lantern Power Ring cannot do. In the past, Green Lanterns of sufficient willpower have proven capable of harming Kryptonians like Superman. However, Superman revealed there is another reason for him to be wary of Green Lanterns and other wielders of the Emotional Spectrum.

Green Lantern #6 by Jeremy Adams, Xermanico, and Scott Godlweksi opened with a battle between Hal Jordan and Sinestro. Stranded on Earth, Sinestro had found a way to tap directly into the Emotional Spectrum, using his anger to access the Red energy of Rage. This resulted in a massive energy surge over Arizona as Jordan faced Sinestro.
The unleashed energy was such that it got the attention of Supergirl, Superman, and Superboy. However, Clark Kent warned his partners against getting involved. The trio did work to evacuate those civilians they could reach safely but did not enter the fight themselves.
Green Lantern Power Rings can mimic Kryptonite

The reason the Kryptonian heroes did not get involved is that the Power Rings used by the various Lantern Corps can replicate Kryptonite radiation. The energy released by Hal Jordan and Sinestro was such that it caused Superboy to have trouble focusing his thoughts. Superman explained this was an occasional side effect of the Emotional Spectrum’s energy.
While this may seem like a contrivance to keep the Kryptonian heroes out of Hal Jordan’s fight, there is a certain logic at play. Power Rings are capable of emitting radiation and shielding their wielders from the same. Given that, there is no reason why a savvy Lantern with a knowledge of science couldn’t replicate the effects of Kryptonite. Indeed, there are some stories where this occurred.
One interesting question is if the colors of the Emotional Spectrum replicate the colors of Kryptonite. This would explain why the Green Energy expended by Hal Jordan might weaken Superman. However, this opens the door to making Red Lanterns more powerful, as their energies might have erratic effects on Kryptonians akin to Red Kryptonite.
Green Lantern #6 is now available in comic shops everywhere.