Many superheroes keep mementos of their greatest adventures, but this can cause problems later on. It is for this reason the Titans took a page from Superman’s book when designing their new trophy room.

Titans #4 by Tom Taylor, Nicola Scott, and Annette Kwok finds the team working to prevent the murder of The Flash. A future version of Wally West came back in time to warn the team of his impending demise. This set up a race against time, as the team tried to find a way to keep him out of harm’s way for 24 hours. This was not made any easier by the Fastest Man Alive’s refusal to stay in one place for that long.
Nightwing ultimately decided to lock Wally in the Titans’ new trophy room. The team recently relocated to a new Titans Tower constructed in Blüdhaven. The trophy room, however, was not located inside the new Titans Tower.

The closing page of the issue revealed that the trophy room was on the surface of Mars. It was also only accessible through a Boom Tube generated by Cyborg. The setup was reminiscent of Superman’s Fortress of Solitude, which can usually only be accessed by Superman himself.
Why the Titans’ Trophy Room is so Secure
The Titans have good reason to keep their trophy room in a remote location. Nightwing pointed out that “keeping a load of overpowered, mystical, or demonic souvenirs inside a super-team base has, historically, proven to be a pretty terrible idea.” He pointed to the many instances when the Hall of Justice and Justice League Watchtower were attacked by villains specifically because of the heroes showcasing their enemies’ weapons.
This led Nightwing and Cyborg to build the Titans’ trophy room far away from their new home. While Superman is not named as a specific influence, the same logic led Superman to create an armory of alien weapons in his Fortress of Solitude. The Titans’ trophy room fulfills the same role, and can function as a superhero panic room in a pinch.
Titans #4 is now available at comic shops everywhere.