Dark Horse Announces New God of War Prequel Comic

It’s going to be a while before a new God of War game arrives, which is probably for the best. Santa Monica Studio set a new bar for the franchise when the latest entry hit stores two years ago, so the developers are most likely going to take their time to come up with something that’s either as good or (dare we say) better. Until then, Dark Horse Comics is hoping to tide fans over with an upcoming miniseries that will shed light on an unexplored chapter in Kratos’ story.

Via CBR, Dark Horse will release God of War: Fallen God this summer. The series aims to fill in the gap between 2010’s God of War III and the 2018 reboot. Kratos’ fate was memorably left up in the air at the end of the third game. After he finally vanquished Zeus, it looked like Kratos was down for the count as well when he stabbed himself with the Blade of Olympus. However, a post-credits scene teased his survival. Fallen God will presumably show his meeting with his wife, Faye, and the birth of their son, Atreus.

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God of War: Fallen God follows Kratos after conquering Zeus and thwarting Athena,” the official description reads. “Believing himself to be finally free of his bondage, he sets sail for the desert in an attempt to distance himself from his home and his shame only to find his rage and guilt follow close behind. Kratos rages against the one foe that has proven to be unconquerable—himself. But a war against oneself is unwinnable, and only invites madness.”

The new series comes from writer Chris Roberson and artist Tony Parker. Previously, Roberson and Parker collaborated on another God of War title in 2018, set right before the events of reboot.

God of War: Fallen God #1 will hit comic shops on June 24. You can check out Dave Rapoza’s cover for the first issue below. Will you check out the series when it debuts? Let us know in the comment section!

Recommended Reading: God of War by Chris Roberson and Tony Parker

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