During Marvel’s recent crossover event, War of the Realms, a new team came together: the Agents of Atlas! Jimmy Woo, the leader of the original Agents of Atlas, had already been recruiting new superheroes. But during the war, he enlisted veteran heroes Amadeus Cho/Brawn, Shang-Chi, and Silk to headline a team featuring Asia’s emerging protectors. Now, Luna Snow, Wave, Aero, White Fox, Crescent and Io have united to create their own destinies as heroes.
In Superhero Hype’s exclusive preview for Agents of Atlas #1, Greg Pak and artist Nico Leon catch up with the new team shortly after the War of the Realms. Their first mission is to deal with the one remaining Muspelheim threat in the region. There’s also a hint that Amadeus may have some romantic feelings for Luna Snow, just before things get chaotic.
Additionally, Jeff Parker and artist Carlo Pagulayan will be providing a backup story for the issue, which will reveal where the original Agents of Atlas are now.
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Here’s the official description from Marvel: “PROTECTING EVERY CORNER OF THE MARVEL U! By popular demand, ATLAS debut in their own series as AMADEUS CHO, SILK, SHANG-CHI, WAVE, JIMMY WOO and all your favorites defend the cross-Asian portal city of Pan against the science-magic threat of one of Marvel’s classic villains! Classic science-magic super hero fun combined with young and old heroes from multiple lands clashing with one another, fighting monsters and maybe saving the world along the way! And who is ISAAC IKEDA, the Protector of Pan? PLUS: Where are the original AGENTS OF ATLAS? Namora, M-11, Gorilla Man and Marvel Boy in an all-new top-secret mission!”
You can read the full preview in our gallery below. Agents of Atlas #1 will hit comic book stores on Wednesday, August 7. What did you think about the preview? Let us know in the comment section below!
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Agents of Atlas #1 Exclusive Preview
Agents of Atlas #1 cover
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