Watch the Entire High School Production of Alien: The Play

Back in March, the students of North Bergen High School in New Jersey put on a production of Alien: The Play. Only a few clips were shared on social media, but that was enough to earn the praise of Alien director Ridley Scott and actress Sigourney Weaver. Last week, an encore performance was made in front of a sold out crowd. But this time, someone filmed the entire show.

YouTube user ButtonSmasher posted a nearly 90 minute video of Alien: The Play. According to ButtonSmasher, North Bergen High School actually filmed a professional recording of the play this time. But this particular recording was “on my smartphone using digital zoom. It was the best I could do in short notice as I was just a general attendee sitting towards the back.”

RELATED: Alien High School Play Is Getting an Encore Performance

After the play ended, and the cast and creative team took their bows, Weaver joined them on stage and shared her response.

“It’s so incredible, you guys!,” exclaimed Weaver. “Unbelievable. Congratulations! It just knocked us off our feet and it was absolutely brilliant. Well done…Every single person backstage and every single person onstage, you all worked so beautifully together. You really put it out there and it was thrilling…and your Alien was really scary.”

What do you think about North Bergen High School’s encore production of Alien: The Play? Should they try to adapt James Cameron’s Aliens next year? In space, no one can hear you scream. So you’ll just have to leave a comment below!
