Into the Spider-Verse Deleted Scene Makes Spider-Ham the Main Course

Spider-Ham was one of the most memorable characters in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse thanks in no small part to comedian John Mulaney’s voice work. The character’s popularity has resulted in a new animated short included on the film’s upcoming Blu-ray release. And if that weren’t enough, Mulaney has an idea for a Spider-Ham solo film, which Sony is apparently considering. But until that happens, we’ll have to settle for a new deleted scene that puts Peter Porker front and center.

Via io9, Into the Spider-Verse animator Nick Kondo retweeted an alternate scene that shows the heroes infiltrating the Kingpin’s disingenuous celebration of Spider-Man’s life (he did kill that Peter Parker, after all) through different means. The animation is rough and replaced by storyboards in some places. Regardless, the voiceover performances of Mulaney, Jake Johnson, Hailee Steinfeld, Nicolas Cage, and Marvin Jones III make up for the lack of fluidity.

RELATED: Spider-Ham Gets An Animated Short on Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Blu-Ray

As seen in the movie’s original cut, Peter, Gwen, and Spider-Man Noir pretend to be waiters at the celebration. But when they run into Tombstone and he decides to peek under the covered dish, he finds none other than Spider-Ham on a plate, wearing nothing but his mask and holding an apple in his mouth. It’s obviously a ruse, but the villain waves them through anyway.

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse will be available to own on Blu-ray on March 19. You can check out the deleted scene via Twitter below, then let us know what you think in the comment section!


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