Marvel Comics has teased the former X-Men leader Storm joining the Avengers for several months, diversifying the team with a Mutant hero. However, Storm is also one of Marvel’s most popular and powerful heroes. Yet none of these elements factor into why she really joined the team.

Written by Jed MacKay, with art by Valerio Schiti, Avengers #18 centers around a literal Earth-shattering disaster. The hero Hyperion, born of an alternate Earth that never was, is charging towards the Earth with unknown intent. This leads them to coordinate with the X-Men through Storm and a group of mages organized by Doctor Strange.

As the three groups are organizing, Storm discusses her decision with Cyclops. They discuss how her joining the Avengers would be good for the image of Mutants in general. Storm also adds that she has been a leader for too long to serve comfortably under Cyclops when he asks her to rejoin his team. While she has a history with the X-Men, the Avengers are an assembly of equals rather than a military strike force. However, none of these are the main reasonswhy Storm joins Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
Storm joins the Avengers as Thor’s replacement

Ultimately, Storm agrees to join the team after Thor personally asks her to do so once the crisis is resolved. This isn’t entirely because of her sheer power, her connections, or her status as a Mutant. It is because Thor plans to leave the team due to the ongoing events in the Immortal Thor series. He says the he would not leave unless he could “ensure that a God of Thunder rides with the Avengers still.”
This request demonstrates Storm’s power and position far more than any showy display of weather control. In the past, Storm has proven worthy of wielding the power of Thor and comported herself as both a Queen and a Goddess. It speaks volumes that Thor regards her as an equal to himself and treats her accordingly, though she is mortal.
Avengers #18 is now available at comic shops everywhere.