Lobo Gets an Ongoing Comic Series this October

If thereā€™s one character that has had a strange life in DCā€™s The New 52, itā€™s the intergalactic anti-hero Lobo. The character appeared in a number of issues of DeathstrokeĀ just before aĀ prettier version debuted in last yearā€™s Justice League #23.2 claiming to be the ā€œrealā€ Lobo and on the hunt for the previously seen ā€œimposter.ā€

Now, DC Comics has revealed that Lobo will be getting his own comic series this October which will see the two Lobos finally come face to face. Writer Cullen Bunn (The Sixth Gun, Sinestro) will pen the new series with artist Reilly Brown (Cable & Deadpool

ā€œThe ā€˜realā€™Ā Lobo is the star of our series,ā€ Bunn said in an interview with CBR. ā€œAnd I think he gives us a lot more mileage for new stories and avoiding some of the dangers of the ā€˜one trick ponyā€™ā€¦. Thereā€™s so much we donā€™t know about this character, because weā€™ve only seen him very, very briefly.ā€

Bunn confirmed that the series will see the two characters, the ā€œRealā€ Lobo and Faux-boĀ (as theyā€™ve been calling him), coming to blows very early in the series. He also revealed the first arc, which will run for six issues, will be mostly one-and-done stories featuring Lobo on the trail of different assassins.

Lobo #1 will be available October 1st.
