Webcast with Fantastic Four 2 Cast Tonight

Superhero Hype! received the following announcement about a Webcast with the stars of Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer tonight:

The cast of the Fantastic Four are in Sydney tonight and take40.com has the exclusive!

Yes, we’re talking about all the big names – Ioan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba, Chris Evans and Michael Chiklis – you can catch the live webcast at www.take40.com tonight at 7:15pm (EST)!

Andrew G will bring you up close and personal with the stars of ‘Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer’ with a 30 minute interview that will give you the inside story on the movie event of the year!

So lock it in your diary – tonight 7:15pm (EST) at take40.com!

You can check out the site here!

Source: Take 40
