Christopher Reeve 1952-2004

SHH Tribute by Chris ‘Excelsior’ Mason

I can still remember the first time in 1978 that I saw SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE, I was 16 years old it was the first summer after Star Wars had taken the world by storm. I had gone to the theater to see Superman and I ended up staying there ALL day watching the film 3 times in a row. The promotion for the film was “you will be believe a man can fly” – I did, we all did. It was not the special effects that made us believe a man could fly – it was CHRISTOPHER REEVE. Never before or since has an actor been so perfect for a character, Reeve was without a doubt born to play Superman. He accepted a roll that would forever cement him in the minds of fans as the last son of Krypton. Many actors had passed on playing the part fearing that they would be typecast and never work again. Reeve would put on the cape and trunks for three sequels. That took guts.

Nine years ago we were all shocked when Reeve, during an equestrian meet was tossed from his horse and paralyzed from the neck down. In the months and years that passed we were all convinced thru his sheer force of will and determination that he would walk again. I for one was convinced that if anyone could do it, it would be Superman. I knew in my heart that Christopher Reeve would walk again… it was only a matter of time. Sadly time was not on his side. His life should not be measured by the simple fact that he played Superman or that he was paralyzed… no he accomplished so much more than that, and most of it from his wheelchair. Reeve had become an accomplished director, doing TV movies, he had become an outspoken advocate for stem cell research often appearing before congress to try and get all matter of legislation passed. He founded the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation to further aid his cause. His most recent notable on-screen appearance was as the mysterious Dr. Swan on Smallville.

Let us not mourn the passing of SUPERMAN, he will live forever. Let us instead praise the life of CHRISTOPHER REEVE and see to it that the work he was doing will continue, and that in the not too distant future the thousands in wheelchairs today will be able to walk tomorrow.

If there is a heaven, Christopher Reeve is up there now soaring higher than Superman ever could.

Christopher Reeve 1952 – 2004

To learn more about the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, click here.

Source: Excelsior!
